Test post

Still figuring out WordPress; this post is mostly just for testing purposes.

Wound up rebuilding the website when I transitioned to a new machine. I have moved on from unRAID, which was not stable enough for me. As a NAS solution, I’m now running Open Media Vault in a VM on a Proxmox node. I also managed to transition from unRAID templates to Docker Compose. Getting pretty comfortable using CLI to get around.

Before Open Media Vault, I gave TrueNAS a try. I might’ve stuck with it longer, but it does not virtualize well and kept crashing as a VM in Proxmox. Plus, the inclusion of Kubernetes stuff made their “apps” interface feel a bit too unfamiliar to me for me to feel comfortable.

I am loving Open Media Vault so far; very simple, it does everything I need it to do.

The website however is being hosted on a Debian VM in another Proxmox node running on an Intel NUC.


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